I recently met a 46 year old woman who came to see me because she wants to find a partner and be in a relationship, however, I am convinced that she will remain single forever.
Tall and slender with short hair, she looked good despite a couple of wrinkles that hinted at her age. She thinks that she looks younger than 46 since everyone tells her she does. I chose not to work with her in her journey to find a partner not because she arrived with a grocery list of criteria she was looking for, but rather due to her numerous prejudices. She specified that the man she wanted to meet must measure at least 5’11” (ideally 6′). I explained to her that the average man in Quebec measures approximately 5’8”- 5’8,5”, thus at 5’11” we are eliminating about 80% of possible matches from the get go. I was taken aback when she went on to explain that she had already ”tried” men under 5’11”. These men that had failed to charm her for various other reasons than their height created a stereotype that will inevitably result in her maintaining her single status for a very long time.
Ladies, if you are of average height (i.e. 5’4”), don’t undermine your search for a partner by limiting yourself to men who are over half a foot taller than you – unless you don’t mind staying single. You can proudly go out with your high heels on the arm of a 5’8” man who loves and cherishes you. Think about it.
Joan S. Paiement