The January blues – Intermezzo Montreal

The holidays are over and winter is here… is it ever! So many people suffer from ”January Blues”. Too much food, too many parties for some, and for others, not enough. One thing is for sure, many people are anxious for this month to be over. For Intermezzo Matchmakers, January is a very busy month. […]

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Alone at Christmas? Intermezzo has 3 suggestions for change

It’s not always easy being alone at Christmas. a French website recently published a survey showing that a mere 13,7% of single women enjoy the holiday season while that number is 17,6% for men. That means that there are quite a lot of unhappy people during a season which should be a festive one.

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He’s not ready to commit – Intermezzo Montreal

A friend of mine was telling me about her  38 year old coworker who was devastated because her boyfriend told her that he’s not ready to commit to their relationship. He said that the main reason was that he was afraid to get too attached to her young daughter (selfish isn’t it?). It’s never easy […]

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How to break up gently – Intermezzo Montreal

Your relationship is over and you are wondering how to break up gently. Your decision is made and it is final. True to the words in the song, breaking-up is hard to do and there is no magical recipe to make it easier however, there are certain ways of announcing your intentions in a respectful and empathetic way.

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Still single ? – Intermezzo Montreal

You have absolutely no trouble meeting people, in fact, that’s all you do! You meet them at work, in bars, cocktails, during sporting activities and business functions. Yet, you have not met the ”right one”!

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I am not ready for a relationship – Intermezzo Montreal

  I AM NOT READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP…  The number of single men and women in Quebec is very high. Despite what the statistics say, I meet people every day who are looking to change their relationship status. These singles want to share their life with a serious partner. Typically clients call for an appointment […]

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Singles looking for love – Intermezzo Montreal

  Single and looking for love ? You should behave accordingly. If you are looking for love but behave like a recreational dater you will not get the results you desire. Recreational dating is exactly what the name suggests. The expected outcome is a fun time with as many people as possible without any expectation of […]

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First date with a guy – Intermezzo Montreal

  Your matchmaker at Intermezzo Montreal just proposed a first date profile to you. His description sounds very interesting and you can’t wait to meet him. He is equally excited. The first meeting should be brief and the impression you make is important. If you’re into this guy, you’ll naturally want to see him again. Here […]

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Should I wait for him (her) ? – Intermezzo Montreal

Should I wait for him? Should I wait for her? You’ve come out of a long-term relationship but are still hanging on to the hope that you will get back together again. Months have passed and you’re saying to yourself : should I wait for him (her)? The voices in your head tell you that […]

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Chasing a man, is it a good idea? – Intermezzo Montreal

Since the dawn of time, men have been hunters, providers, and protectors of their territory. That begs the question: does the male hunter want to be hunted by a woman? Based on numerous conversations that I’ve had with some of our male members, the answer is a resounding NO. Chasing a man is not the […]

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My Ex is such an Idiot! Intermezzo Montreal

”My ex is such an idiot!” I consider myself lucky to be a matchmaker at Intermezzo Montreal. One of the perks of this job is that I get to meet fascinating men and women all day long. We get the chance to discuss many things and sometimes I can easily identify who will be successful […]

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First anniversary – Intermezzo Montreal

It’s our first anniversary! Being a matchmaker is probably the best job in the world. But there is a downside: once people are happy and matched, we don’t hear from them again. But there are some exceptions and that happened today! Our matchmaker, Natacha Beatty, received a great bouquet from Y & S who are […]

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How long should I wait to have sex? – Intermezzo Montréal

How long should I wait to have sex? At Intermezzo Montreal, our matchmakers and life coaches often address this topic with clients. We recommend to our members that all first dates are used simply to meet and learn a bit about the other person, and last no longer than 60 minutes. We believe that it’s […]

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What to text after a first date – Intermezzo Montreal

What to text after a first date is a question that we at Intermezzo Montreal are often asked. All couples use text messages but the quality is far more important than the quantity. That being said, there is a marked difference when it comes to ”quantity” between men and women. A study published in the […]

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Break up by SMS – Intermezzo Montreal

Break up by SMS? According to a study published by Mashable Social Media, 40% of people surveyed would be willing to break up while hiding behind a computer screen or telephone. The Internet even promotes this by providing examples of break-up text messages to send. Apparently, this has become common practice. A Google search will […]

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