According to the 2011 census by Statistics Canada, 43.6% of the population aged 15 and older in Quebec are single! That means 2.9 million men and women are presently searching for their soul mate. More than 50% of these individuals live in the greater Montreal area.
Sometimes too much choice is as bad as not having enough… we can find ourselves overwhelmed!
Dating websites are, by far, the most used means of meeting new people. But does this method lead to happy and fruitful relationships? The answer is yes, sometimes… But at what price? What are the risks we are ready to incur in order to meet new people online?
On September 28th, 2013, Silvia Galipeau, a journalist for La Presse, shed some light on the reality of dating websites. In her article entitled ‘Les arnacoeurs‘, she wrote that over 80% of those who utilize online dating sites are ‘liars’!
Accordingly, researcher Catalina Toma from the University of Wisconsin found that approximately 80% of users are untruthful with regards to their age, height, and/or weight. While these superficial details do not take away from an individual’s personality, these misrepresentations lead to relationships based on false information and lies, which is not conducive to creating a solid foundation for an enduring and honest relationship. Behind the profiles we may also find individuals who are married and looking for an affair, or worse yet, scammers who are out to get your material belongings.
How can people protect themselves from such dishonesty that appears on these websites? One surefire way is to call on a serious dating agency. You will work one-on-one with a matchmaker who will give you an accurate representation of the person(s) that you choose to meet.
Honesty and transparency are, after all, the best starting points for meeting ‘the right person’ !
Joan S. Paiement