Since the dawn of time, men have been hunters, providers, and protectors of their territory. That begs the question: does the male hunter want to be hunted by a woman? Based on numerous conversations that I’ve had with some of our male members, the answer is a resounding NO. Chasing a man is not the solution to getting a man to be interested in you.
Men are naturally flattered upon receiving attention from a woman, but in most cases where the woman is running after the man- the feelings of attraction aren’t reciprocal. Ladies, are you trying to hunt down a man?
1) Do you call him if you’ve heard good news regarding him? (Note: he didn’t call you to tell you)
2) Do you call him when you haven’t heard from him in a while?
3) Do you e-mail, text message, and “like” things on his Facebook page?
4) Do you communicate with his friends?
5) Do you question him on how he feels about your “relationship?”
He can pretend to be happy, interested, and enthusiastic about the attention you’re giving him. He can accompany you to events and outings that you invite him to. You will never, however, know how he really feels about you until you let him assume his ‘natural’ role. You think you’ve found the one? Don’t run after him! If he doesn’t run after you, accept that the right guy is waiting to meet you elsewhere. Maybe right here at Intermezzo Montreal! Oh… and guys, all the great girls that you want to meet are also here at Intermezzo! – Give us a call!
Sarah Papadomanolakis