Useful tips for that first date
Any first meeting can be nerve-wracking. For sure, it can be more than a little stressful. As author and blogger David Swanson has so nicely put it: “You’ll never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”
So to minimize the risk, here are a couple of suggestions.
- Have some ideas and… be confident.
When the time comes to make a decision, don’t just sit back and let someone else do the work. In case the gentleman happens to ask for your opinion on the choice of activity or place, make sure you already have an idea or two in mind. He will be grateful to get this issue out of the way!
- Dress for the occasion.
An attractive and sexy lady is not necessarily covered in jewels or trying a balancing act on the highest pair of heels. By selecting apparel and accessories appropriate for the activity, you’ll be demonstrating a more natural and discerning you.
- Subtlety and discretion at bill time.
If there is a tab to be taken care of, let him decide. You can show your willingness to share, but don’t insist. Has he offered to pay the bill? Then accept gracefully. You will have an opportunity to return the favor at a later date, if you wish.
- A little gallantry goes a long way.
Acting the gentleman is sure to please. Think about opening doors, allowing her to enter first, picking up the tab. Your companion will appreciate these small gestures. And in any case, if it isn’t her style, she will soon say so… And you will have had the honor of at least having tried.
- Be present and listen.
An initial rendezvous may not prove the right time for a display of your personal achievements and accomplishments. Instead, show your interest in the other person and demonstrate your ability to listen. These are human qualities that always win out.
- A smidgen of originality.
To be different, you might suggest an outing other than the time-honored cocktail hour, lunch rendezvous or coffee date. A spark of originality will say more about you and have a certain charm: a walk in the park for some people-watching, a test drive at a car dealership, a visit to a show home, a stroll with a bit of window shopping… Let your imagination run wild!
In general…
- First meetings should be brief, say between 45 and 90 minutes.
- Turn your cell phone off!
- Appearance does count. Not enough time to get ready? Better to postpone the date for But when the moment comes, be on time.
- Make sure you come out looking clean and neat, with an open and positive attitude.
- Don’t hesitate to exchange a kiss on each cheek. This demonstrates confidence.
- Don’t drink too much, just relax and appreciate the moment and… be yourself.
Your turn to play!
Does the idea of starting a conversation make you dizzy? We have one or two ideas for you. Watch out for our next blog.