At Intermezzo Montreal we take a special interest in each and every one of our members and often tell them that finding love can, on occasion, take time. We all have expectations and we are not ready to settle. Realistic expectations can always be met when patience is part of the equation.
For 15% of our members, our first referral is ”the right one”. This is always a wonderful happening but it is important to note that 85% of our members meet, on average 4 different people before the ”right one” comes along. We always encourage our members to take this process as an opportunity to meet interesting people. Some can be quickly discouraged when the first presentation does not materialize into love at first sight! However, our experience shows that your chances of success increase exponentially at the second, third, fourth presentation!
People come to Intermezzo to spoil themselves: they will make interesting discoveries and with time and patience find love. If you give the process a chance, you will be among those for whom being single is a thing of the past.
Joan S. Paiement