Your matchmaker at Intermezzo Montreal just proposed a first date profile to you. His description sounds very interesting and you can’t wait to meet him. He is equally excited.
The first meeting should be brief and the impression you make is important. If you’re into this guy, you’ll naturally want to see him again. Here are 3 things to remember:
1) Be on time. This should be obvious but it’s imperative. Have a plan: leave the office a few minutes early and take the necessary time to get ready. If you’re meeting him on a Tuesday and your weekly hair appointment is on Thursday – change the appointment to Tuesday morning! First impressions are key.
2) Men like women. Another evident statement, but probably the most common error in dating among professional women. Your power suit fits you like a glove, but you should consider wearing a skirt or dress and heels on your first date. Yes, men are looking for a woman who has character, who is independent and intelligent, but these are not incompatible with femininity. Accept graciously when he offers to pay the bill.
3) Have fun. Every date is a practice leading up to your date with ‘the one.’ If from the start you decide (maybe erroneously) that he’s not the guy for you, you have the choice between staying the minimum amount of time required to be polite, or to relax, laugh, and have fun with this stranger. You might be surprised when letting go of stereotypes and allowing yourself to discover this man for who he is instead of who you think he might be.
Too often after the first date, the men tell us that they met an incredible, engaging, and interesting woman, but that the first date felt more like a business meeting than anything else! Think about it!
Natacha Beatty