I recently had the pleasure of meeting a woman that we will call Annie. A new member at Intermezzo Montreal, Annie worked hard to establish herself as a well respected dentist and now at 32 years of age she felt that the time had come to focus on her love life. We had a fascinating encounter as she was very eager to share her online dating experiences with me. The last person that she met was a 39 year old electrician who asked her to meet him for dinner (not a great idea for a first date!). They spent 3 hours together during which he spoke exclusively about his ex and her many faults, not to mention that he was no longer attracted to her ”aging 38 year old body”! What a lousy way to make a first impression…
After having paid her share of the meal (hum…) Annie wished him well knowing that she would not see him again. The next day, she received a text message from him saying that he had had a wonderful evening and wished to see her again. Annie politely declined. He abruptly answered: ”I guess the fact that I don’t measure 6 feet is the reason that you’re pushing me away!” Sadly, that was not the reason. He should work on what he has to say about others rather than focusing on his height. Had he shown a little respect for his ex-girlfriend as well as for Annie, she definitely would have loved to meet with him again. All 5’8” of him.
Joan Paiement