Time is passing by and you’re feeling blue. Your dream of finding the love of your life still hasn’t materialized. You envisioned yourself meeting someone on a terrace, or while walking your dog in the park, or even at the grocery store as you both reach for the same peach. But that hasn’t happened and you wonder whether you will ever meet that special person.
Here are 7 tips to help you get things moving in the right direction:
1- Cultivate a positive attitude: live in the present moment and be grateful for all the good things in your life. Find what makes you happy and smile more, people want to spend time with others who have a positive outlook.
2- Focus on yourself: get in shape; change your eating habits to get healthy. Stop smoking. This is also the perfect time for introspection. What do you want more of in your life? What changes do you want to make?
3- Be adventurous: frolic outside of your comfort zone to make new discoveries about yourself and others. Uncover passions that will make you feel alive. Take that class you’ve been putting off, plan a trip, break out of your routine. Take the first step and observe how the patterns in your life begin to shift.
4- Make a good first impression: the change of seasons is a great time to update your look and style. Make changes that help you feel confident about meeting new people.
5- Be open-minded: you have a list of criteria for the perfect life partner. Can a real person live up to your expectations? Are you putting up barriers that prevent you from seeing the possibilities? What are you projecting that may sabotage your efforts?
6- Love yourself: it will show in how you approach the world. Enjoy life for all it has to offer and share it with the people who care for you. Live your life to the fullest.
7- Treat yourself: hire the services of a matchmaker. Many professional singles who are busy living their lives entrust their love life to a professional dating agency.
Prepare to meet the right person by putting the focus on YOU. This may seem counterintuitive but think about it. Take the first steps and watch your life change for the better. If you need assistance to get started, turn to qualified professionals such as a personal trainer, dietician, life coach, stylist, or relationship expert.
Joan S. Paiement